TVS501A Repeater Controller A D D E N D A for Software Revision 23 11/17/87 This document describes changes in software between Rev 23 and Rev 21. It also describes hardware changes from the schematic. (1) Watchdog reset is Faster The watchdog reset occurs more often. The result is that the heartbeat light blinks several times per second instead of once per second. (2) Timer Enable to Output Zero option In some cases, it is desirable to have a digital output reflect whether the timers are turned on. The option now exists to have Output 0 respond to timer status. With the option enabled, output 0 will be active with the timer enabled, and off when the timer is disabled. If the option is disabled, Output 0 behaves as documented. Control Function 45 enables this option. Function 46 disables it. (3) U1 should now be a 4069. Problems of third harmonic crystal operation were detected when U1 was changed to a 74HC04. It should now be changed back to a 4069 (or 74C04 - equiv) (4) U2 should now be a 74HC4040. The crystal frequency is too high for a conventional CMOS 4040 to operate reliably. Some problems occurred which resulted in failure of the DTMF decoder to operate at all. (5) U3 should be a conventional CMOS 4040. When we changed it to a 74HC4040, there were infrequent and unexplained processor resets. Changing back to a CMOS4040 cured the problem.